Publikation: Christoph Brunner & Ines Kleesattel – Aesthetics of the Earth
Veröffentlichung von Christoph Brunners und Ines Kleesattels Beitrag »Aesthetics of the Earth. Reframing Relational Aesthetics Considering Critical Ecologies«

Als Teil der 11. Ausgabe von Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, herausgegeben von Connell Vaughan and Iris Vidmar Jovanović, erschien in diesem Jahr Christoph Brunners und Ines Kleesattels Beitrag »Aesthetics of the Earth. Reframing Relational Aesthetics Considering Critical Ecologies«.
This paper explores the works of Martinican writer and philosopher Édouard Glissant, focusing on his conceptions of poetics of relation and poetics of the earth. In doing so, we will critically revisit the notion of Relational Aesthetics as introduced by French curator Nicolas Bourriaud in 1998, tweaking the concept towards a materialist, more-than-human and post-colonial outlook. In proposing an Earthly Relational Aesthetics we will use Glissant’s critiques of colonial capitalism and with a “materialism of encounter” capable of accounting for a poetics immanent to specific situated and earthly, that is, historically informed and materially active, modes of sensation. Drawing on Glissant’s postcolonial writings, we suggest to trouble Western philosophical discourses on aesthetics as continued processes of colonization.
Auszug des Beitrags
»With the notion of Earthly Relational Aesthetics we suggest to take material differences and specific matters of concern into account that are rooted in concrete geopolitical configurations, that are situated, sited and relation-specific, historical and transmaterial. While a more classic conception of aesthetics attempts to attach sensuous experience to the perceiving subject (both in classic aesthetic theory and phenomenology) an ›aesthetics of the earth‹, the way Glissant (1997a) uses the term, suggests a trans-individual, multi-relational earth-boundness; in other words an entanglement of sensuous material bound to specific locations that have been appropriated by and inserted into the globalized movements of capitalist value extraction – a key dimension of Glissant’s critical thought. In his philosophical and poetical writing it is not environment plus subject, but a more-than-human encounter within a materially concrete land, which gives rise to an aesthetics of the earth through which perceptual experience arises, as ›a passion for the land where one lives‹ and from where a ›poetics of relation‹ can take form (Glissant 1997a, p. 151). Drawing on Glissant’s postcolonial writings, we suggest to trouble Western philosophical discourses on aesthetics as continued processes of colonization.«
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