Publikation: Emmanuel Alloa – Coronavirus…
Veröffentlichung von Emmanuel Alloas Artikel »Coronavirus. A Contingency that Eliminates Contingency«

Als Teil des Supplements zur 47. Ausgabe (Nr. 2) von Critiqual Inquiry: Posts from the Pandemic, herausgegeben von Hank Scotch, erschien im Winter 2021 Emmanuel Alloas Beitrag Coronavirus. A Contingency that Eliminates Contingency. Die Ausgabe versammelt kurze Essays, Gedichte und Bilder, die ursprünglich zwischen März und Juni 2020 im Online-Blog von Critical Inquiry veröffentlicht wurden.
Ausschnitt aus Emmanuel Alloas Beitrag »Coronavirus«
»20 April 2020
The mechanismis sadly familiar: each crisis has its designated culprits. For the sovereigntists, this pandemic is to be blamed on deregulated border crossings; for the anticommunists, it is the negligence of a Chinese government that would rather see its citizens die than assume its hazardous initial response; for conspiracy theorists still, it is an American chemical weapon over which secret services have lost control. While collapsology is rejoicing, after having warned us for years of an impending implosion of the planet, others still see it as a sign, profane or divine, of all the recent errors of humanity, from hypermobility to overconsumption. In the twenty-first century, a viral pandemic is replacing the ten scourges of Egypt, a kind of collective castigation aimed at producing a generalized awakening, and we can already hear all of these self-proclaimed omens explaining to us what will have to change, in the famous after of our collective resurrection.«
(Emmanuel Alloa: »Coronavirus. A Contingency that Eliminates Contingency«, in: Hank Scotch (Hg.), Critical Inquiry, Winter 2021, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Supplement), S. 73–76, hier S. 73)
Zum Hintergrund des Supplements zur 47. Ausgabe (Nr. 2)
»August 2020
The following collection of short essays, poems, and images was originally posted on the Critical Inquiry blog between March and June 2020. To preserve the posts, we are publishing them as a supplement to the Winter 2021 issue. They are ordered, as they were posted, chronologically. This, we hope, retains each piece’s fidelity to the moment and shows how reactions to the pandemic changed over a very long three months. Because many of the posts relied on information that was constantly in flux, what may have been a “fact” in a post one day was often not the next. As Lorraine Daston argues, we were—and in many cases still are—operating in the dark, within the limits of ›ground-zero empiricism.‹ Instead of updating the posts to more accurately reflect our current knowledge about COVID-19, we are publishing them here, with a few small changes, as they first appeared on In the Moment. (…)«
(Hank Scotch: »Posts from the Pandemic: An Introduction, in: Ders. (Hg.), Critical Inquiry, Bd. 47 (Nr. 2), Winter 2021, S. 1–3, hier S. 1)
Mit Beiträgen von Slavoj Žižek, Catherine Malabou, Bruno Latour, Katherine Hayles, Wendy Chun, Leela Ghandi u.a.
Die einzelnen Beiträge der zusätzlichen Ausgabe von Critical Inquiry. Winter 2021, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Supplement) sind in digitaler Version kostenlos abrufbar.