Veröffentlichung von Emmanuel Alloas Sammelbandbeitrag Seeing-as, Seeing-in, Seeing-with. Looking Through Pictures

Als Teil des Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies, herausgegeben von Krešimir Purgar, erscheint Anfang Oktober 2021 Emmanuel Alloass Beitrag Seeing-as, Seeing-in, Seeing-with. Looking Through Pictures. Es handelt sich um eine überarbeitete Version eines Aufsatzes, der erstmals im Anschluss an das 33. internationale Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg (Vol. 2, 2011) erschien.
»What do we see what we look at pictures? What kind of vision is conveyed by and through pictorial representation? Such questions have been kept aesthetics and visual studies busy for decades. As it turns out, the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein has proven to be a major source of inspiration in these discussions, and in particular his notion of ›seeing-as‹, which is sometimes also referred to as ›aspect-seeing‹. Indeed, it seems plausible to say that pictures never show things in general, but always only in a certain respect, from a certain point of view or under a certain aspect. Besides, what holds true for pictorial representation seems equally valid for the stance taken in front of pictures: looking at pictures requires seeing them in a certain way, that is, as pictures.«
(Emmanuel Alloa: »Seeing-as, seeing-in, seeing-with. Looking through images«, in: Krešimir Purgar (eds.), Handbook of Image Studies, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2021, pp. 483–499, p. 483.)
Zum Handbuch
The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies brings together the most current and hotly debated topics in studies about images today. In the first part, the book gives readers an historical overview and basic diacronical explanation of the term image, including the ways it has been used in different periods throughout history. In the second part, the fundamental concepts that have to be mastered should one wish to enter into the emerging field of Image Studies are explained. In the third part, readers will find analysis of the most common subjects and topics pertaining to images. In the fourth part, the book explains how existing disciplines relate to Image Studies and how this new scholarly field may be constructed using both old and new approaches and insights. The fifth chapter is dedicated to contemporary thinkers and is the first time that theses of the most prominent scholars of Image Studies are critically analyzed and presented in one place.
The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies erscheint Anfang Oktober 2021 bei Palgrave Macmillan, London. Es ist in gebundener Form zu ca. 215€ und in digitaler Version für ca. 160€ zu erwerben.