Vortrag/Lecture Nadine Hartmann – Hashtag Confessions…
Vortrag von und Diskussion mit Nadine Hartmann am 10. März 2020

Eine Veranstaltung des Berliner Insituts für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse (BIPP), des Instituts für Kulturwissenschaft der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, der International Psychoanalytic University Berlin (IPU) und dem Insitute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI) Berlin.
Public feminism today travels by way of a technological update of collective speech acts of avowal and confession understood as already constituting political action — a practice familiar from 1970s feminism. And correspondingly, critiques of #MeToo have added little to the anti-feminist reactions of the 1970s. The talk argues that current activism warrants another look at two theoretical positions from the 1970s that related truth, speech, and sexuality — and were radically at odds with one another: Foucault famously denounced modern-day compulsory self-revelation as being premised on the dubious discursive linking of truth and sexuality and saw in psychoanalysis an agent of this confessional coercion. For Lacan, on the other side, the speaking subject is constituted by an unbridgeable gap between desire, knowledge, and truth, and hence, while the act of speaking may produce knowledge, it can never close the rift between knowledge and truth constitutive for the desiring subject. What is the constellation of sexuality, speech, and truth in feminist collective, mediated practices? What are the implications of ‘speaking up’ today? Can a reflection on the valences of recent confessional practices help force psychoanalysis to reposition itself in light of current feminist critiques?
The lecture ist part of the lecture series Psychoanalytic and Cultural Theory, which devotes itself to the influence of psychoanalysis on cultural theories at large as well as to particularly poignant applications of psychoanalytical research to current cultural phenomena. The central psychoanalytic concepts of Freud and his successors are to be taken up in an open and non-partisan perspective fashion and applied to the cultural, political, and economic phenomena encountered today. Whereas early psychoanalysis dealt primarily with the family as it was shaped by bourgeois Victorian society, current research increasingly focuses on extreme kinds of individualization, social uncertainties and threats, as well as on new digital and technological cultural techniques. The series would like to develop, new, critical, and innovative readings of psychoanalytic theory and combine them with concepts and ideas from the humanities and from cultural critique.
Ort: Christinenstr. 18/19, Haus 8, 10119 Berlin
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